Being a Centrist Feels As If I’m a Loser

A.J. Bryant
4 min readOct 17, 2022

Another Consequence of Increased Polarization

yellow double line going down the center of a road in a mountainous landscape
Photo by Jack Kerchner on Unsplash

I've spent most of my life toeing the line. My political views are not my sole identity and I try not to take extreme positions. But in 2022, that seems like a losing proposition.

There is no room for people like me, a moderate, holding middle-of-the-road views. It seems neither the left nor right tolerates someone that believes the world is grey. Society seems to only reward a black-and-white mindset.

But I say that the world is grey. Most choices are NOT binary. I am proud to have the ability to view different sides to most issues. I stay away from being drawn emotionally into political ideologies. I try to keep my passions in check. I reject the vitriol and dangerous rhetoric of those on the far-left and far-right.

If you’re waiting for me to say which policies on either side I agree or disagree with, prepare to wait a while. That would undermine the article’s purpose. A reader might read one stance, then immediately believe I’m of their tribe or completely dismiss me. And that would prove this entire piece’s point.

I was raised in the Christian church. I still attend weekly services. My faith is a big part of my life. I’m definitely not far-right. Yet, I would not characterize myself as on the far-left either. There are…



A.J. Bryant

Adopted from Kerala. I write about adoption, my intercultural marriage, contemporary India and more. Prawns are my love language.