Chris - wow. What a heartful response. First off, thank you for reading and taking the time to share.
I think the erasure of men from the adoption space is a huge tragedy and one that is nearly unknown. I'm glad you are coming to grips with your own and working through some of the long-standing issues.
If you're just starting out, I'd give yourself grace and space to let the emotions wash over you. Consuming adoption related information, blogs, articles, etc can be like drinking out of the proverbial firehose. I don't think that's helpful at this stage of your processing.
I would just start writing out your thoughts. You don't need to publish them, just put them on paper (computer) and get them out of your head. That's going to be a therapy in itself. Have tissues ready and go for it.
I will look for that article, that sounds fascinating and I'd love to hear what a women's take on this issue looks like.
Here for you man - keep reading and stay positive.