The Obnoxious White Privilege of the January 6 Defendants

Were they non-white, they’d probably be dead.

A.J. Bryant
5 min readJan 25, 2023
Photo by little plant on Unsplash

Most governments don’t equivocate when it comes to treasonous acts.

If these people had attempted a coup in nearly any other nation one of two things would have happened. They’d be executed or jailed and tortured.

But for various reasons here in the United States, many of them ‘got away’ with it.

Only a handful of defendants were charged with sedition or treason. Most were slapped with misdemeanor charges of breaking and entering, or unlawful entry of private government property. Some were indicted and convicted of more serious crimes. But my point is that were they non-white, they would not have even made it to trial. They’d be dead or injured.

Since January 6th, 2021, there have been various news stories about the January 6 insurrectionists. One posed with firebrand Republican Representative Lauren Boebert at the Mexican Border. Another claimed they needed to go on vacation. In Washington D.C., a jailed group of them called their treatment ‘inhumane’ and degrading. While also alleging frequent beatings and discrimination.

They said they’d rather be in Guantanamo Bay. If that’s how they feel, let’s send them there. After reading a survivor’s



A.J. Bryant

Adopted from Kerala. I write about adoption, my intercultural marriage, contemporary India and more. Prawns are my love language.