This article is gold Walter. Thank you. I loved it. I have a story in the same vein. My wife is an Indian immigrant from a small village, six-hours from the nearest train station. She did a lot of school in Delhi (long story), but none of her college credits transferred, so she had to start over in the USA.
Early in our marriage she began that journey. I'll never forgot her asking me to 'help' her write, which included proofreading. Her English language writing skills were tough to comprehend. But she's also a polyglot who speaks seven other languages. I tried to only change structure and format, editing for clarity, not her grammar. I thought as her husband that was not my role. Let her professors do that if they wished, my job was to help her make the stories clear, not 'remove the magic' as what happened with Jenny. The power of her narrative wouldn't be lessened by grammatical mistakes.
She just graduated with an MA in early childhood development, focusing on kids with special needs in May 2023.