A.J. Bryant
Jul 22, 2021


This was fantastic. Such a haunting piece. Thank you for writing. I grew up middle-class-ish in the US. But my wife, an Indian immigrant grew up in desperately impoverished circumstances. She's had to fight for everything she got. She had one new outfit a year and most days either didn't have lunch or dinner or both. She knows hunger intimately as you do. I have a hard time relating, but I try my best. We're trying to raise our kids balancing their desire to dream as my wife did and understanding they are already so much farther ahead than so many and to never forget that and be grateful.



A.J. Bryant
A.J. Bryant

Written by A.J. Bryant

Adopted from Kerala. I write about adoption, my intercultural marriage, contemporary India and more. Prawns are my love language.

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